Saturday, March 1, 2014

Melly has joined TAPASTIC!

What is tapastic? Tapastic is an online and mobile platform that lets you both PUBLISH and READ original comics and visual stories written by the users!

(yes, i did copy that sentence from "Comic Guide to Tapastic" which is a cute comic written by the tapastic staffs to help new users to know more about Tapastic)

aaanywhoo.. since Melly Adventures is not going well in blogspot, i thought that i might join Tapastic instead. so far, so good.

So yeahh.. why don't y'all come and take a look at Melly Adventures on Tapastic? You guys can also find other cute comics too :)


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Comic 5: LaCherieBonbon

*casually surfing the net*

when suddenly her younger sister, Melly, approaches

they tried watching one of her videos anyway..

but they continued anyway..
after watching the video,

despite the comments they just gave, they ended up watching all her videos and subscribed to her.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Comic 4: Internet friends

One boring day...
I should just give up...
maybe i should find new friends..
back to the story....


I cannot face the world anymore...

He...really likes my blog?


*goes to chatroom*
I've never receive this much compliments...

They... actually like my blog... And i like them too..

my first internet friends...

but they knew each other for a long time...

and everything went better than expected :3

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Is it just me? fact#4

Q: Do you believe in the doomsday prediction?

Q: but what if it happens for real?

Q: I am guessing that you will stay at home then ^_^"